Selection on the Rotor Bar Type of Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor 鼠笼型异步电动机转子导条型式的选择
Some Methods to Prevent Damper Bar of the Squirrel-cage Induction Motor from Broking 关于解决笼型感应电动机断条问题的几点看法
The Development of Squirrel-cage Three-phase Induction Motor Frequency Converter System 鼠笼式三相交流异步电动机的变频调速系统的研制
The Research of Twin-Stator Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor 双定子笼型感应电动机的研究
In thiS paper, fundamental equations and equivalent circuit of the motor are derived based on those of the ordinary squirrel-cage induction motor. 本文基于普通鼠笼式感应电动机的基本方程组和等值电路,导出了这种新型电动机的基本方程组和等值电路,并且根据它的等值电路,导出了起动电流和起动转矩公式。
A New Approach of On-Line Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis for the Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor 一种新型的笼型异步电动机转子故障在线监测和诊断方法
The twin-stator squirrel-cage induction motor with appended interspaced resistor rotor presented in this paper has the structure of the normal squirrel-cage induction motor and the advantage of the coil rotor induction motor which starts by bunching resistor. 本文涉及的转子带中间附加电阻的双定子笼型感应电动机,具有笼型转子感应电动机的结构特点和绕线转子感应电动机串电阻起动的优点。
Comparing with general squirrel-cage rotor induction motor, the ratio of start torque to start current ideal is also improved remarkably. 与普通鼠笼转子异步电动机相比,起动品质因数也明显提高。
Multiple bandwidth wavelet analysis for fault diagnosis eigenvalue in squirrel-cage induction motor 电机故障特征值的倍频小波分析
This paper established a mathematical model for the capacitor compensation system of three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor in d-q static coordinates, which took into account the rotor parameters varying with the speed. 建立了三相感应电动机电容补偿起动系统在dq静止坐标系下的数学模型,模型中考虑了转子参数随转速变化的因素。
As an efficient and energy conservation way, the frequency and speed modulation technology has been extend, while the wound motor is different from the squirrel-cage induction motor drive because of its unique structure, the frequency control can be bilateral. 变频调速作为一种高效节能的调速方式已经得到推广,而绕线式异步电机因其不同于鼠笼机的独特的结构,可以进行双侧的变频调速。
Firstly, analysis the squirrel-cage induction motor VVVF characteristics. 首先分析了鼠笼式异步电动机的变频调速特性。